“Those People”
So YOU thought the unconscionable hate, intentional discrimination, willful disregard, and domestic terror against human lives was only an issue impacting “those people”?
Sound bites and tidbits of information contribute to collective ignorance and prevent critical thinking & rational decision-making. We need to wrestle with all the information — something too many politicians and voters are unwilling to do. So we experience long-term suffering, because of short-term thinking.
Typing lessons once included skills-building with this phrase , “Now is the time for all good men (people) to come to the aid of their country.” It was a good call to action and dexterity exercise. We seem to have lost our actions and dexterity. We have resigned to using two thumbs when we need our whole body in this work. What happened to us?
Too many of us have selectively tuned out the plight, torment, terror and torture suffered by our fellow humans -whether on other shores or next door. We have seen the threat of authoritarianism before, but this home-grown and financed threat is next level.
Too many think they are exempt from the suffering, so they sit on their hands as folk invade, deport, un-fund and suppress us. This is a short list of who and what is unsafe in America, under the current regime.

You are represented here (whether it’s an identity, principle or cause you support) — yesterday, today, tomorrow or later:
The United States Institute of PEACE — Note, this is not a federal agency, yet, DC police was joined by FBI to raid and take over this nonprofit. Sorry, PEACE isn’t even safe under this regime.
Places of worship & faiths
COGIC & The Black Churches
Whatever your Beliefs
The Planet
Rural People
The Dead
Latiné People
Global Strategic aid & Health & Preventions
This planned callousness and discriminatory-focused hierarchy didn’t just happen overnight. You will soon realize that “those people” include you and/or your loved ones. At some point you will admit that without sustained action (which includes you, in some capacity), it will grow worse.
And, there are more than enough examples of what “worse” looks like. Just pick up an un-sanitized history book. Racist terror in America is being un-learned in our schools and prompted by legislative and school board acts.
These attacks on civil liberties are intertwined in a sick, diabolical & ungodly web. The perpetrators are linked entities.
Internment camps are being re-established as we speak — and they have lobbyists. The GEO Group, contracted by the U.S. government, offers a remix on indentured servitude.
Nobody is safe when you give incompetent and hate-filled people power. You should also realize that the vast majority of Americans are under attack right now. Daily. Will you use your voice in the next election in your city? State? Nation? Can’t you fight for something?
There are more than enough voices to restore our dignity and democracy — when you use YOURS. Make those 5 calls often.
I’m here to inform you that “those people” are Democrats, Republicans, Independents, Green party, worker party, next gen, libertarian, no party, priests, atheists, sick, healthy, poor, rich and everybody else. Your silence is consent and is the greater threat for you and for even the generations yet to be born. They will know what you did and what you did not do — even if other nations and their history books tell our story.
Now would be a good time to come to the aid of “those people”. When you finally wake up and realize that YOU are “those people”, maybe you will selfishly — and quickly — give a damn.