Florida: Voting is a Constitutional Right — Tell your Governor to Protect It
Injustice = When the organization that is victorious in getting returning citizens voting rights restored has to raise funds to support the new voters to cover their fines, because #Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has created a new barrier. He’s instituted a new type of poll tax that is only created to deny people the rights returned to them. The Gov. has even let his minions arrest/terrorize voters. We must get registered and vote everywhere, because the enemy keeps seeking new ways to deny equal rights to everyone.
Donate to the fund, so these returning citizens can join the rest of Florida to vote for people who work FOR, not against them.
#DefendTheConstitution & #ProtectOurVote
UPDATES: 2022 GOP & Florida voter suppression tactics:
— Election deniers & politicians making stuff up
— Court-Sanctioned denial
— arrests sanctioned by the governor
— frivolous lawsuits
NEWS: 2023 government voter suppression is real.