Of course, an unrepentant church of the hypocrites — which allows abuses in secret, embraces a state cult, which approves of and elects sex-abuser, criminal, corrupt and pathologically lying candidates to city halls, state houses, Congress, the White House and appointees. The “faith” reformers want a politically religious state that doesn’t hold them accountable. The hypocrisy is an abomination. The “secular state” rejects the amorality of the MAGA trumpian GOP cult state, but their “church” says yes. The really & morally righteous know better than to be lulled into the senselessly misguided path of the right, just like we rejected the minority right/Reich.
Their MAGA ways aren’t holy ways — even if they appoint sycophants as prophets. The false faith houses won’t stand. Meanwhile, the world, which is comprised of the non-religious and myriad faith practices (also those practiced here) watches American “exceptionalism” crumble and a dismantling of one nation, under God. These MAGA reformers are divisible, and their indecent liberties and injustices towards most have been exposed.
The political religion that wants to Make Amerikka Gilead Again gleefully embraces all of the isms (and ills) of the world. The right/reich has a cultish hold on many. Some are so morally blinded, that Jewish leaders are willing to defend blatant symbols of hate and once globally denounced language.
You cannot hide evil when OUR little lights of facts, truths & justice shine.
The normalization of assaults, abuses & amorality in their Church & state power won’t stand. These new standards of an amoral, white religious right/Reich minority — with a convenient sprinkling of assimilated people of color (in complexion only), who worship proximity to whiteness as their religion — sadly worship a false prophet who boldly lies to their faces. Is their cloudy vision caused by a persistent covid fog?
No decent human beings are supposed to be here; in this golden calf farm, which uses lies and deceit as fertilizer. Clearly, the “reformers” have turned their religious compass in the direction of a new (and false) prophet and the money. The golden rules of this political house of worship are deeply tarnished. Their faith advisors are abusers and nobody cares — until they get caught.
Yet, the “new apostolic reformers” say Amen.
For your sake, and the sake of your loved ones, where are YOUR standards? When will your moral rock cry out?
If the assignment is to preach the gospel to the world, then, the homework includes denouncing the false teachings, teachers and pawns. This church’s poison mind is openly unrepentant. Only, “Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” John 8:32