I did my job.

4 min readNov 8, 2024


A faction of racists, merged with a collection of sexists, who aligned with a community of homophobes, who joined a collective of xenophobes & hypocritical puritans, who marched in lock-step with troops of insurrectionists to the polls and endorsed a proven pathological liar, who is the embodiment of a false prophet — as defined by Christianity, the dominant American faith system. A faith system (amongst several) which is built upon the respect for and answering to a higher being. The people selected someone who has said, “I don’t believe I have to ask forgiveness” from the deity that has all power (a role at the helm of many spiritual practices). Their anointed (and he) called him “the chosen”, and they (not me) chose him. Even those who are uncommitted to a faith practice must have a moral practice that can/should clearly discern right from wrong; truth from lie; good from evil. Am I right about it?

So, leaders within faith and other systems, who will often condemn and/or reject a parishioner or potential employee or spousal candidate bearing his “credentials”, embrace politicians and ideologies that are the antithesis of what the deem qualified. Families endorsed characteristics that they would shun at their family reunions. Employers validated a person with a résumé that wouldn’t pass the first steps of a candidate pool. Spiritual leaders would have had a meeting, sat down or excommunicated someone who is unapologetically against what they claim to be right and of good moral conduct.

Well, I am not them. I, and the millions of voters who prayed and acted — marched; phone-banked; Zoomed; met-up; donated — said “NO” to all of what the “winner” stands for, DO NOT agree to the spirits, celebrating vengeance and spits in the faces of the decent, respectful (including self-respect), compassionate, yet imperfect, humans who we are supposed to be. I will NOT acquiesce to YOUR mess.

We are, indeed the winners. We didn’t fall for the open betray against our values. We didn’t agree unilaterally, but we agreed upon what we aspire to see for ourselves and our collective future.

We had all of the evidence, and believed it the first time. Yet, we didn’t have the ability to override the groupthink produced by systems that enabled unchecked validation of disinformation. There was a willful ignorance by a people who chose to ignore-or excuse-verified threats against their ways of life; ways which are (or were) envied by many people around the globe.

Like some mates of adulterers, the majority of those who voted chose to believe their betrayer over the facts clearly before them. The betrayed held to promises by the betrayer — most previously made and unkept. “Gimme one more chance” — and they did. They ignored the mountains of evidence and the words of credible, trust-worthy people around them; even as the betrayer often joked about inflicting greater abuses. The betrayed even supported the mechanisms that granted immunity from past abuses. No checks. No balance.

You may defend all of the evil that you want, but I will not comply. I will keep on moving forward — no turning back.

I will not assimilate to a system that endorses those who ascribe to humanity’s deadly sins against our earth and humankind. I will not mock the fullness of what humanity was created to do, by supporting principalities disguised as moral authors. I will not welcome suppression and erasure of our histories and truths.

Love is above all things and at the apex of what I believe. Truth remains truth. Lies will always be lies. God is STILL God. Equity & Justice & Joy -through freedom-remains the goal. Love conquers all — especially hate. And, I am not alone. Millions agree with me-unbossed and unbought by deceit of billionaires.

The world and a higher authority is still watching you. Any and all genocides & pain & suffering is on your hands — if you subscribe to such. My hands are committed to things better than that. You will be held to account for your choices. Vice President Kamala Harris did her job, as did many other candidates who (once) believed that most Americans knew better than to fall for a decaying truth.

The adversaries are as visible as sunlight. Many voices have analyzed the post-game, and see where the real blame rests.

I’m movin’ on. I did-and will continue to-do my job. Will you do yours?




Written by JonesE

Take 2 to 5 minutes for a glimpse of what I think about issues of the day. Nonpartisan, yet, some might not agree. Just don’t be disagreeable. TW: @congosdad

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