This is the very thinking that rewards short-sighted strategy, while long-term oppression thrives. President Obama made strides against a system that is in FULL display with the ascension of a thrice divorced. pathologically lying, seditionist to the top of the GOP/evangelical heap. I'm responding to this because the well-orchestrated disinformation campaign used by the right-wing is the essence of how fascism & cults take hold. Lies (alt-facts) are becoming the truth for too many folk -
Alan West was as "right" (wing) as Herman Cain (RIP), and in service to a party that has evolved from democrats/kkk to dixie-crat to republican MAGA-GOP-KKK. Black (Donalds; Scott; etc.) and Brown (Rubio; Cruz; Luna; ) pledge loyalty to a party that would rather deport them,, But, since you're here (seeking love in all the wrong places), GOP DEPLOY the colored pawns to create photo ops for the media to help spread.
I am in full opposition to the atrocities in Gaza, West Bank, Ukraine, Sudan, Syria, South Africa, etc. The travesty is that these atrocities have gone on for decades because voters, particularly in the U.S. haven't paid enough attention to domestic OR world affairs constantly. WE have even believed the exceptionalism hype that suggests we haven't been complacent and/or complicit in the perpetration of crimes against humanity across the globe - including right here. That is the tragedy we must face. Yet, a faction of this nation (including some folk of color) are chanting America First without even realizing that was the same slogan used in the 40's against people who looked like them.
WE can condemn choices that Obama or Biden have made, and demand that they keep making progress forward. But, what we cannot do is act like they were acting alone. Nor can we suggest that their actions for good haven't been met with resistance. Progressive politicians are a minority, only because we don't vote in a sustained majority. When things don't happen quickly, we get mad and sit at home in the next cycle, so the regressive folk get in power and stunt any growth that might have happened. The systems we want to change get stuck or regress because we can't/won't stay in the ring and fight. It won't get better without our steady critique and perpetual activism.
attempt to erase, rewrite or criminalize our very history? Convict 45 tried it - And his friends are doing it in every state where they have power. & Watch/read/share #The1619Project Fascism = book bans. Undermining our history isn't new.
GOP praise a loony Lt. Gov. Robinson in NC, who convict45 equates to MLKjr (Robinson, the self-hating, misogynist, thinks he's better) carrying the torches that would make the Charlottesville tikis and Hitler's army proud. Who is foolish enough to fall for this type of nonsense?
I'm well aware of the imperfections of this nation's DINO (democracy in name only). It's an imperfect work in progress, and still rises better than many many nations. But, in calling a spade a spade, you must admit that this racist nation is so entrenched in its biases and bigotry, that by selecting Obama as president set off a nuclear bomb of hate. No right mind would accept the garbage convict 45 and his servants offer. They have denied equal opportunity for Black & Brown & Native folks, then create gerrymandered districts that keep them so. They have given our entrepreneurs pennies as they get the dollars, and now have the audacity to sue to keep us from even getting the pennies -
The majority judge bench was built by convict 45-and they used a law that was created to fix past harms. Convict45's friends denied SCOTUS choices so he could implement the majority SCOTUS, which is dismantling voting and civil rights- and, he hopes, will make him free from accountability. Obama and Biden have made ways for people of color & white folk that GOP have never done.
We are making progress - why do you think the anti-DEI, -CRT, -Fearless Fund litigation is growing? Woke is what we must be, but we cannot turn against ourselves in our quest for equal rights for ALL. Nobody is exempt from an enemy that eats its own - watch how they turn on each other.