For the Popeye Chicken Sandwich Debate
Did you know that Popeyes is owned by the same Canadian company that owns Tim Horton’s Coffee and Burger King? Did you buy some of their stock? It’s worth considering, since this free advertising from new sandwich fans will surely help their bottom line.
Remember, a robust economy is why some continue to excuse & forgive the unacceptable behavior of the occupier of the White House. For Blacks & other people of color, raised on the work twice as hard or model minority mantras, you should be ticked off. Every tale woven about the current president is false and/or deplorable. And President Obama would have never had a similar pedigree or slate of shenanigans and been elected. 45 is a sham.
Those folk will say, “ I know 45 is racist, but look at how good the stock market is…” He & they believe he’s the only one who can help the economy, but the numbers (those numbers he won’t believe if they don’t make him look good) are apparently off. They don’t recall that the economy was booming BEFORE 45 was elected.
But, rest assured, if the economy starts to go south (as it will), he will blame Obama, Hilary, Dems, Denmark, Dora the Explorer, Baby Shark; anyone or anything he can dupe his followers into believing. Good news is the Popeyes stock may stay strong — thanks to the free advertising, alone.
If you won’t condemn a proven racist, anti-Semitic, homophobic, pathological liar — who now thinks he’s the “Chosen One” & “King Of Israel” — because the stock market is up — what is wrong with you? Who — in right mind — Supports someone so desperate for attention, he makes up his own awards? His character is amoral and trumps any rise or fall in the market. In fact, his behavior is a threat to our economy. Who wants to do business with a kook you can’t trust? Would you?
Money Makes our Politics Go ‘Round
Federal policy will pass or fail — often with influence from lobbyists. Want to see where politicians stand on issues, like the gun legislation that 90% of Americans favor, just follow the money. See who is funding their campaigns, and you will, often, see how they vote.
The youth of March for Our Lives show more knowledge and backbone than many seasoned elected GOP officials on the gun issue. Meanwhile, the president has given followers whiplash, with his flips and flops with each news cycle. He can keep waffling and reciting the NRA bylaws all he wants. Congress can override him, if tell them to, so speak up. That’s how change happens — the people speak up and the elected should listen.
Exercising is Hard — what about my chicken sandwich?
I know we were talking about that sandwich, but I bait and switched to illustrate how much attention we give to issues that we believe are important. When we eat, we are willing to test “it”, pay for “it” and wait for “it”, when we believe in “it”. We take recommendations from those we trust. We need to exercise the same energy and attention to other important issues of our time — like our elections. Like Census2020.
We need to exercise the type of passion and discernment about candidates and those in office. When it’s good, we support it. When it’s bad, we criticize it — loudly. And, when it’s a big problem, we must reject it — boycott it. It matters.
Wallets talk
Use that same wallet diplomacy strategy on your choices of candidates as you do when choosing a sandwich. Your money matters in a global economy. You don’t buy a sandwich you don’t like, right? If you got bad service, you will talk about it to everybody, correct? You shouldn’t pay for products and services you don’t like. Check out Grab your wallet, and reject those businesses that are suppoting a racist agenda. I dont care how good it smells, taste. Boycot businesses that are funding people, policies and practices that don’t help you, your loved ones or your community thrive. Boycott companies and TELL THEM why. Boycott and reject politicians (and candidates) who aren’t for you. HOLD your coins from people/companies/candidates who don’t care about you.
If you can wait in line for a chicken sandwich, you can wait in line to vote — #RegisterToVote and #VotePeople. And while in line for that sandwich, call your elected officials and demand what you want — like you call Popeyes and complain if the local store has run out of sandwiches. Use this number 202–224–3121 or find your representatives number and lock it in. It matters. Just do it!