4 min readMar 25, 2017


CONGRESS: Improve Obamacare or you are complicit in killing people.

Own it, RepubliTeaTrump party, YOU, alone are to blame for a multitude of failures in 2017. Perhaps, if they weren’t trying to cover up potentially treasonous acts and collusion over the past year, they could have focused on healthcare. Maybe, if they had been focusing on criminal acts by their own party loyalists and advisors, instead of celebrating the leaks & smearing their opponents, we could have had a fair & clean election in November. Where would we be if they called out the clear evidence of Russia’s brutality & denied connections to this administration last year? Shouldn’t there be bipartisan anger and joint a joint commitment to uncover foreign interference with our democracy? Isn’t that what you mean when you want to build walls and monitor those who seek entry to our shores?

I digress. So, in the midst of a very ambitious week, we see the ceremonious rise and calamitous fall of the braggadocio that guaranteed “Repeal & Replace”. They had SEVEN+ years to improve healthcare access & they failed — miserably — this week. They promised their voters — and won — to get rid of a demon that they used inaccurate narratives (aka LIES) to create in the first place. But, they have exposed where their hearts lie, without casting a single vote. In all the scenarios offered by the majority party, the wealthy & corporations benefitted the most — and that is not the will of the people. People need healthcare. Is there any decency in the hearts of our elected officials?

The majority party doesn’t get a pass, nor do they get to blame the last administration for their current failings. They are already trying that blame-game trick, but, we see the truth. Trying to doom Obamacare or allow it to “explode”, “implode” or “death spiral” could be considered pre-meditated murder (in my opinion). When you see and/or cause harm to others and do nothing — you are an accessory. And, for those in Congress — especially with medical backgrounds — how can you justify turning your back on millions of people? How did governors reject Obamacare, leaving their constituents vulnerable, to satisfy their party’s desires. Is first, do no harm is too cliche for you?

This isn’t over. We cannot let up on holding these electeds accountable to us. President Obama helped get millions of people covered by insurance. This administration and Congress’ goal SHOULD BE to maintain current healthcare access and get healthcare for MORE, not fewer, people. They should be fighting for affordable healthcare for all, not greater profits for lobbyists and corporations. You are doing harm if you support an elected official who is committed to anything less. They bragged about the smaller stack of paper that represented their bill vs Obamacare. Less is obviously not more. less paper was needed for their bill, without saying it helped fewer lives. Stay woke people. Stay vigilant.

Time to get to work — in six steps (and a little homework):

1) Learn more about the ACA/Obamacare — it can be made better or worse.

2) Tell your representatives what you want 202–224–3121.

3) Follow the money. Find out who is donating to your elected officials. Their votes are often tied to their donors.

4) Visit their district offices or call them regularly. Silence is consent.

5) Attend town halls , ask the hard questions and expect nothing less than truthful answers— stop giving electeds free reign.

6) Pay attention to legislation — Did you know the Senate just passed a law to allow internet service providers to sell your information without your consent!

6) Advocate for others — you or loved ones could be “othered” one day.

If not for President Obama, we wouldn’t have Obamacare — or this very important and necessary conversation about America’s health. President Obama admitted it wasn’t perfect. Getting & keeping millions of people insured is a good thing (Obamacare did that). Stripping healthcare from millions is a horrible thing (the TrumpRyanRepubliTea bill tried to do that). On what side is your elected official on this (or other) issue? Find out via the government tracker here.

There’s much more to do. Look at the current tax proposal, offered by this administration — it will adversely affect you or someone close to you — if even half of it passes. Call Congress and demand change. Let them know that you are paying attention. #TruthMatters #DoSomething #VoteMatters




Take 2 to 5 minutes for a glimpse of what I think about issues of the day. Nonpartisan, yet, some might not agree. Just don’t be disagreeable. TW: @congosdad