3 min readMay 30, 2019

America’s Problem — a Presidential Crook

Call it an American problem or an assault against Democracy, but don’t call it a Democratic problem — its so much more.

Criminality conducted by a president and his family and friends is a horrible circumstance. The world knows it. Folks who try to compare it with other political scandals, like Benghazi, where four American lives were lost, should remember: At least six children have died seeking refuge by the U.S. Government. We don’t know how many adults have died in this heinous disregard for human life, mislabeled as securing our border. Our government mis-counted the loss of life in Puerto Rico, where 3,000 people died following hurricanes, last year. On this president’s watch.

Illegal exchanges of money and other activities have taken place over the last two years in our government. The GOP Tax Cut funded the wealthy. That tax scam is what funded Trump’s campaign and what the GOP wanted. This president has worked feverishly to keep his taxes hidden from public view. This isn’t new — which makes the shenanigans even more egregious. It’s no wonder that some of us are skeptical. But, we know there is nothing new under the sun. 45 is a crook among crooks.

Crime — stealing from a charity to benefit himself.

After crime--grifting from donors.

After crime — milking America.

Committing crimes then crying, “victim”.

And the Covid deaths continued. American student, Otto Wambier, was clearly harmed while in the custody of a foreign dictator — and he died upon returning to the U.S.. That murderous dictator, whom the president calls “friend” and defends, has played this president. And, there’s the Saudi man, who lives & worked in America, for an American company. Jamal Khashoggi was murdered by people who denied it & lied about it — yet, the administration wants to sell them weapons. Trump’s choice is to support a financial friend of the Trump family.

This administration had denied any connections with Russia — yet, Mueller & others have uncovered Russian connections and so much more. There is plenty evidence to investigate this president. People who care about this country should expect nothing less than a complete & thorough inquiry.

Checks and balances should never be an optional endeavor in a real Democracy — that is required and should be an absolute expectation of any real patriot. Mueller’s statement and his redacted report; along with all accompanying materials (including the redacted portions); are needed — now. A bipartisan investigation should be a no-brainer. After all, 45, himself, said the report was “the Bible”.

Robert Mueller has laid out the case for further investigation — yes, people the “I word” IMPEACHMENT.

As this administration and its allies insist on lying, Americans should expect the political process to move as its supposed to — inquiry is the move. It’s time for a bipartisan bible study, people. Get all of the facts on the table and let the indictments land where they must.


Written by JonesE

Take 2 to 5 minutes for a glimpse of what I think about issues of the day. Nonpartisan, yet, some might not agree. Just don’t be disagreeable. TW: @congosdad

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